Do you have memories that just are just forever stuck in your head?
I am not sure why, but I just never seem to forget something that happened when I was learning about angel numbers for the first time. I was taking a class and a young man had been called to the front of the class by the teacher. I don’t remember how it came up, but the number that was attributed to him was 555. What I do remember is how he hung his head and groaned when he heard that 555 was the energy coming up for him.
If you don’t know, 555 is generally believed to indicate that big changes are coming into your life. I think what made this memory stick with me is that it’s when I realized how much most people dislike change. This was something of a revelation to me because I actually really like change. And as you know, I also very much love angel messages.
This morning I reached for my phone to check the time and this is what I saw:
I nearly spit out my tea by laughing.
What I especially loved about this message was the words at the bottom of the screen. “Try again.”
This is a very magical message for me in that I am currently working on making big changes in my life. Some of which are working and some of which are stubbornly not working. So here are my angels basically saying “Keep with it. Go for the change. If it doesn’t work, try again.” This is an especially powerful message since we in the spiritual community have a tendency to think that if things we’re trying to do don’t work, then maybe it’s a message that we’re on the wrong path.
Well not today!
I wanted to share this with you in case you are also trying to make big changes and you’re considering changing your changes. If this message found it’s way to you and it resonates in your heart, then I’m here to tell you “Try again!” Don’t give up. Keep going. Ask your angels for their assistance.
By the way, (because I know you’re going to ask) that beautiful image I use for my phone screen saver is called “Watchers in the Night” by Thomas Blackshear. It’s the first angel painting I ever owned and it is the very image I was talking to when Joshua, my guardian angel, first told me his name. So this magical message to keep trying is especially poignant since it came via that picture.
Wishing you magical changes in your life!
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Thank you Radleigh,
This email and messages came to me in Divine Sychronicity. The last few days of revelations have me believing in myself and what my Journey in life is. Time to get my stuff out of boxes and be all I can be…Me❤
Hi Radleigh, have you written an Angel Numbers book? If not, will you please recommend one? Thank you!
Kyle Gray’s Angel Numbers