I don’t know about you, but my team and I have found this Mercury retrograde to be particularly snarky. We’ve had communication and tech problems galore right up to the bitter end and well into the shadow phase. In case you’re not familiar with the shadow phase of a retrograde, it’s the time period post (and pre) the actual retrograde where the effects can still be felt. I’ve been taught by the astrologer I trust most that the effects of the retrograde fade the farther into the shadow period you go. She feels that usually by 5 days after the retrograde, things have subsided. And usually I agree with her.

But not this time.

As of the day you’re reading this, we are 17 days into the shadow with 4 more days left to go (it officially ends on the 12th.) My team – as well as other friends – have been pulling their hair out with challenges usually associated with a Mercury retrograde well into the shadow. One friend of mine said that the shadow had been worse than the retrograde itself. To be honest with you, that’s just really weird.

So how do we shake off this retrograde energy?

Whenever a planet goes retrograde, it dances on your birth chart in the same places three times. The planet moves forward over a particular part of your chart. Then when it goes retrograde, it goes back over that spot. Then when the planet goes direct (moves forward) again it hits that spot a third time.

The shadow past the Mercury retrograde is a time for review and contemplation. What issues did this astrological event create for you? Was there a repetitive message or series of events?

One of the best ways I know of to tell this Mercury retrograde shadow to “cool it’s heals” is to get clear on what its message in your life was and to acknowledge that. Then you don’t give “Mr. Speedy” (Mercury) a reason to keep teaching you a lesson that you already learned. However, that probably requires that you sit yourself down and think about the experiences you had from January 30th – February 19th (the timeframe of the actual retrograde.) Look for a theme around those experiences. Were you having the same sort of challenges over and over? Is there a message in there you might have missed?

In this household, the story has been one of health challenges for Jace and for Lee and the part I’ve been playing as caretaker. Are you a caretaker? And if so, where are your needs getting taken care of in that equation?

Whatever the message Mercury Retro has been offering up to you, embrace it and learn from it. And then, just say out loud “Thanks Mr. Speedy. Now please, if you don’t mind… on your way. We’re good here.”

Angel blessings,



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