June is widely considered “Pride Month.” To that end, Hay House UK is very thoughtfully and respectfully celebrating that notion and honored me by asking for a quote on the topic. I took some time to consider that and ultimately decided that I wanted to say something that more broadly celebrated the notion that being who you are is the key. We should all love ourselves. I also wanted something that sort of gave a nod back to Louise Hay since she was such a loving supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. So here’s what I came up with:

“I am safe and secure in the knowledge that the Divine had a hand in making me who I am. I am loved beyond measure and perfect because I embrace my true nature with joy and confidence.”

I have many, many students who charm me. Every single one does so for their own, special reasons. Those special reasons are almost always because they are so truly and authentically being who they really are. For example, I have a student who cusses a blue streak. Seriously, I don’t know if he can put together three sentences without a cuss word. Let’s call him Matthew.

Now, that’s not me. I rarely ever use a four-letter word, but that’s me being who I am. If Matthew didn’t use four-letter words, I would call 911 and send doctors or schedule an intervention. It isn’t that he cusses that I love, but that he is an angel guy who gives loving readings and also cusses. It’s uniquely and genuinely him. And the shameless outpouring of his true nature gives me joy because I can see his personal expression of the Divine shining through him.

And I love that.

I adore diversity. I always have. When I was an accountant, I would purposefully hire people who were totally different from each other so that we could all benefit from learning from one another. My longest-term friends enchant me because as time goes by, I continue to learn the depths of their own uniqueness. My friends truly are like snowflakes – each one infinitely and Divinely unlike anyone else.

It took me decades of life on this beautiful planet to come to a place where I could be “shameless”and prideful about my true nature. And that doesn’t just mean being a gay guy. It also means being an angel guy, a tarot guy, a classic car guy, a sci-fi nerd, and a general, all around laughing goof-ball. I love all of that. I embrace all of that. I am all of that and more.

When you are the true you that you are… when you fully and shamelessly embrace your true nature, then it just makes me love you. And I will also go out on a limb here and say to you that when you are being who you truly are, then hate and judgement fall away. When you are who you truly are then you are fully acting as a child of the Divine and that means hate and judgement have no foothold.

Hate and judgement cannot withstand the Light of the Divine.

So go ahead. Charm me. Enchant me! Make me fall in love with you by being your true, authentic self.

And then, fall in love with yourself.


Loving you hopelessly,





Fresh Start for Self-Care

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