I’m a pretty positive guy. For the most part, I have my sights on feel-good thoughts about what I want to manifest in my life. However, lately I have found myself struggling with worry. Worry tends to lead me into anxiety, which then turns into a full-blown ego-fest where my thoughts go totally off the rails into negativity and fear. On the occasions when that happens, I find myself fighting to think positive things instead, but it can literally feel like I’m at war with my own brain. That’s not a good place to be. It reminds me of when Louise Hay used to say “be kind to your mind.”  

When things get too out of control, I have my own little way of leading my mind back from the dark side. What I do is go sit in my happy chair.  

I just heard masses of you reading this think “Now what is he talking about now?” LOL! 

I have a chair. I call it the happy chair because when I’m sitting in it, I’m not allowed to think about fear, worry, or anything negative. If I’m feeling challenged with my thoughts, I go sit in that chair and I have to immediately think about positive things, things that make me happy, or things I’m grateful for. If my thoughts stray back to worry, I have to get up out of the chair and walk away – even if it’s just briefly. I can walk to the kitchen and back, but when I sit back down in the happy chair, I have go back to thinking happy thoughts. If I don’t do that, I have to get up and walk around again.  

Basically, I’m training my brain that if I sit in that chair, worry must dissolve, negativity has to end, and my fearful ego must withdraw.  

Another thing I like to do when I’m forced out of my happy chair by wandering thoughts is to have a little mantra I use while I walk around to regain control. Something like “I am fearless and I know the Divine loves me.” Just say it over and over again until you feel like you have enough control to go back and sit in your happy chair. Continue to say it in your happy chair if that’s the best you can do. Then try to refocus your thoughts onto joyful subjects. Your goal is to get to stay in the happy chair as long as you wish without allowing your ego to kick you out of it! 

If you’d like to sit with me (metaphorically speaking) then I would like to suggest that you choose your own “happy chair.” I highly recommend it be a chair that you can somewhat dedicate to the purpose of quieting negative thoughts – at least at first. If you have the option, try not to choose a chair that you sit in all the time because then it will be difficult for your mind to realize that only positive thoughts are allowed in that chair. My happy chair in one that I never sit in except to regain control of my thoughts. And definitely try not to sit in the chair you regularly work in, check social media from, or anything that can lead to anxiety. Don’t make your “happy chair” a chair where someone else has control over what you’re doing or seeing.  

To reinforce this, I will sometimes just go sit in my happy chair because I realized I was thinking about something that was making me smile. If I’m making plans for something joyful, I’ll try to do it from that chair. It’s all just training the mind that only happy things happen there. 

And if it helps, feel free to imagine me in my happy chair thinking positive thoughts right alongside of you. 



Angel blessings,








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