In last week’s blog, I spoke about how I always choose a word to hold the energy for a coming year. (You can find the blog here) For example, last year’s word was “Soar.” However, I have been very undecided on my word for 2022 so I asked folks for help.
Well, wow oh wow, did you take me seriously or what?! We got tons of responses via emails, posts on social media, and comments on the blog itself. I have to say that I was floored by the amazing messages and humbled by how many of you took the time to offer up what your word for 2022 is going to be as well as make suggestions for me based on what I had written in the blog that I was trying to focus on next year.
Because I have to write these blogs in advance, 2022 is still several days away and I haven’t made up my mind just yet. Some of my favorite suggestions were:
“Connection or Connectedness, Wonder or Wonderment, Clarity, Intention, Fun, Rhythm, Bliss, and Awe.” Someone even suggested “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!” Which I have to tell you, sharing a word with Mary Poppins is definitely tempting.
As I said, I haven’t completely chosen yet, but if I had to choose in this moment, I would choose “Now.” I’m tired of just living in the future world of eternal planning and constant anticipation of what is to come. The other words that are tempting me are “Awe” (one of my absolute favorite emotions) and “Fun.” But I think both awe and fun can only be had in the now. You can’t be in awe of an experience that hasn’t happened yet and there’s not really that much fun in planning to have fun later.
Of course, I do have to plan ahead. I do have to prepare for what is to come. But I think in 2022 what I want is to really be in the moment. To really relish and treasure what is happening now as well as to be able to look forward to happy things that are to come.
Plus, I think that the best way to manifest your desires is to be in the now because now is everything.
Speaking of manifesting, I really want to help you start 2022 in full on manifesting mode. So I’m offering a FREE Tarot Masterclass on January 6th. Some of the things we’ll talk about is letting go of all the icky-ooo-ooo from 2021, get support from your angels for your intentions for 2022, and tips for working with tarot for guidance. I’ll also be offering you a brand new tarot spread for having your best year yet!
You can sign up for the masterclass here!
In the meantime, I promise to let you know once I’ve made my final choice for my word for 2022. And thank you so much for giving me so many wonderful choices.
Happy New Year!
Energetic Weather Report for May 18th – 24th
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I love the Idea of picking a word I procrastinate and NOW would be good for me Thank you so very much xo
Dear Radleigh,
thanks for this wonderful newsletter. Actually, I have been struggling finding a word for 2022 myself. After your reminder in your newsletter about “the word” I first thought about „hope, hopeful“ to be a good word for 2022, but to be honest, that did not really resonate with me.
Today I went shopping in a supermarket with my husband and I found a yellow notebook with a wording on it “Amazing”. When we came home and I unpacked my bags my heart jumped up and down: I had an epiphany – Yes, that is my word for 2022 – Amazing!
Amazing: what does that mean for me? Being the most amazing version of myself in 2022, shining my light to everyone I will be meeting and making a difference in my microcosm to make the world a little better. And taking good care of myself to stay healthy, to have Me Time and to be of service to my loved ones and my students /colleagues at school and to the people I meet in 2022. I want to grow esp. Spiritually. I am amazingly happy, healthy, blessed and grateful for the person I am, the life I have and the people in my life who love and support me.
When I turned 60 last week on December 22nd and when I was able to celebrate this awesome, amazing birthday with my husband, family and very close friends in a wonderful little restaurant I realized how blessed I am to have so wonderful people in my life. It is quite interesting for me how my life changed between 50 and 60 since nearly all the people on that very evening I befriended during the last ten yeats. So the angels sent me the right people at the right time and others – well just got out of my way and sight.
Since we all were vaccinated twice and most of us even for a third time and in addition all of us had negative Corona tests on that very day we all felt safe and secure. And we were literally surrounded by angels because I had decorated the table with crystals and little angels as a present for my guests and they loved the idea – they were amazed. All of my guests took the angels and crystals with them as a memory of a wonderful, safe, blessed and amazing evening which made me feel very happy 🙂
So I love the word “amazing” for 2022 – because I feel that life is amazing, awesome and magical. And I love the way this word found me today 🙂
Love and angel blessings. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and an amazing New Year 2022. Thanks for all your support, love, meditations and inspirations in 2021 and for all I learned about the angels, oracle cards and Tarot (which is quite new for me and I want to take the opportunity to learn more about it). Looking forward to your courses and newsletters and inspirations in 2022.
Stay healthy. Blessings to you and all your loved ones. Monika. 30.12.21
Dear Radleigh,
thanks for this wonderful newsletter. Actually, I have been struggling finding a word for 2022 myself. After your reminder in your newsletter about “the word” I first thought about „hope, hopeful“ to be a good word for 2022, but to be honest, that did not really resonate with me.
Today I went shopping in a supermarket with my husband and I found a yellow notebook with a wording on it “Amazing”. When we came home and I unpacked my bags my heart jumped up and down: I had an epiphany – Yes, that is my word for 2022 – Amazing!
Amazing: what does that mean for me? Being the most amazing version of myself in 2022, shining my light to everyone I will be meeting and making a difference in my microcosm to make the world a little better. And taking good care of myself to stay healthy, to have Me Time and to be of service to my loved ones and my students /colleagues at school and to the people I meet in 2022. I want to grow esp. Spiritually. I am amazingly happy, healthy, blessed and grateful for the person I am, the life I have and the people in my life who love and support me.
When I turned 60 last week on December 22nd and when I was able to celebrate this awesome, amazing birthday with my husband, family and very close friends in a wonderful little restaurant I realized how blessed I am to have so wonderful people in my life. It is quite interesting for me how my life changed between 50 and 60 since nearly all the people on that very evening I befriended during the last ten yeats. So the angels sent me the right people at the right time and others – well just got out of my way and sight.
Since we all were vaccinated twice and most of us even for a third time and in addition all of us had negative Corona tests on that very day we all felt safe and secure. And we were literally surrounded by angels because I had decorated the table with crystals and little angels as a present for my guests and they loved the idea – they were amazed. All of my guests took the angels and crystals with them as a memory of a wonderful, safe, blessed and amazing evening which made me feel very happy 🙂
So I love the word “amazing” for 2022 – because I feel that life is amazing, awesome and magical. And I love the way this word found me today 🙂 Love and angel blessings. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and an amazing New Year 2022. Thanks for all your support, love, meditations and inspirations in 2021 and for all I learned about the angels, oracle cards and Tarot (which is quite new for me and I want to take the opportunity to learn more about it). Looking forward to your courses and newsletters and inspirations in 2022. Stay healthy. Blessings to you and all your loved ones. Monika. 30.12.21
PS: I have just watched the replay of Magical Manifestation for 2022 and I was thrilled. Living in the NOW not only for manifestation but also for enjoying life each day is so important and so difficult because of my past & present fears, worries, always switching between the past and future. I subscribed to the course in order to let go of my past fears and to concentrate /focus on the present rather than on the future and on what might probably happen (worst case scenarios etc. ) I absolutely refuse to be defeated. I am resilient. thanks for the Mantra, Love and angel blessings 7.1.22