This may surprise you, but as a creator of tarot and oracle cards I’m never really sure how the cards will turn out until they are printed and I have them in my hands. You can research, and meditate, and plan every last little detail but you just still never know how they will function until you actually use them.  

I think the biggest surprise from my past was Guardian Angel Tarot Cards. The whole time I was working on that deck I called them the “cotton candy deck.” Of course, I only said that to myself (and my husband) but as I was working on them, I just kept thinking how very pink they were. I wanted tarot on training wheels. I wanted a deck that was so gentle no one could possibly be afraid of it. I’m just being completely honest with you that even as I made the deck, I wasn’t sure if I would like them.  

However, once they were in my hands, I loved them. They were perfectly accurate and detailed. But more than that, they truly were gentle. They became my “go to” deck for the really hard questions. Especially if I thought the recipient of the reading was emotionally fragile with regards to the topic they were asking about.  

Fast forward six years to today. Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards came out last week. They are my latest labor of love and (I believe) the best work I have ever done. I am so proud of their unique properties and the very specific and detailed readings that they provide. However, what has most surprised me about the deck is that (in my hands at least) the cards have a distinct sense of humor. They are almost mischievous! Even with the careful precision with which I shuffle my cards, they just insist on coming out upside down and backwards! It occurred to me yesterday that perhaps I accidentally allowed some of my own, personal humor and playful puckishness to leak into the card’s nature. It hasn’t made the readings any less accurate. I’m getting reports from everywhere that people are blown away by the readings that they are getting! But the joyfulness in the cards seems to be making the power of the messages easy to receive and assimilate.  

I’d love to hear what you think! How is it going working with Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards? And are you noticing a playful side to them? 

Don’t forget that if you preordered Angel Wisdom that you are invited to our little card party tomorrow, October 13th at 2pm Pacific!  

Angel blessings,


PS Guardian Angel Tarot Cards are now out of print while I give them a super powerful upgrade! They’ll be back in 2021!





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