For many, many years I had a radio show called Magical Things with Radleigh Valentine. (Hay House Radio officially went off the air last November.) The majority of that show was me giving readings to callers as well as those who posted questions on Facebook and Instagram. Probably the number one question people had was regarding their careers or life purpose. Sometimes the caller was completely clueless as to what they should do next with their lives, but usually people had an inkling.

Many times, the questions would be “should I do this or that?” And often “this” and “that” could be quite different from one another. For example, a caller might say “I was thinking I might like to be a spiritual teacher but I also think accounting would be good!”

Obviously, there’s a little inside joke with that example, but I think you can see what I mean by callers trying to choose between what we might call a left-brained choice vs. a right brained one. Another way of saying it might be that people were often torn between a choice of the heart and a choice that they felt was more “practical.”

What often surprised the callers was that a blend of the two things they were considering was often the ticket. If a caller suggested that they’d like to be a card reader but they also were interested in the healing arts of reiki or massage, I would suggest they do both or all three! Blending these different, but relatable skill sets was akin to a unique spiritual super power that they could provide to clients. It also made them stand out from what might be a crowded arena.

My unique spiritual super power has long been blending tarot and angels but with a twist of optimistic genie magic thrown in for good measure. If you’ve been thinking of making some changes but can’t choose between the options, maybe I have something you might want to try.

Starting Thursday, October 29th, my dear friend and colleague Heather Hildebrand and I are going to be teaching a four-week course called Tarot & Mediumship. I’ll be bringing the angel cards. Heather will be bringing the mediumship. Together we are going to be teaching people how to blend these two spiritual superpowers together to bring real magic into people’s lives. Heather and I have worked together for a long time and are excited to bring these simple, but powerful techniques to the table. We can’t wait to show people how to help themselves and others get answers from passed over loved ones through the easy to access spiritual tool of tarot. You can find out more about this course by clicking here.

Hope to see you there!


Angel blessings,








Fresh Start for Self-Care

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