We are way too hard on ourselves. By that I mean us… as a spiritual group of people. We’re always trying to give more. And then more again.  

And still it seems as though it’s not enough.  

But that’s just the thing… you are enough. You are so enough it’s beyond words!  

You are so much better a person than you think. It’s a matter of perspective – which many people lack when it comes to their own self-worth and their contributions to the world.  

I was recently on Dougall Fraser’s show, Cosmic Coach on Hay House Radio. Dougall just sort of fell out of the sky into my life many months ago and he has been nothing but a blessing from day one. In his introduction of me to the show, he was being very gracious about the number of things that I have created for Hay House since I first signed with them in 2012. Before the show, I was feeling very behind on my work and anxious about impending deadlines. Dougall’s kind words about how much I had put out in the world in a relatively short time nearly brought tears to my eyes. It’s almost like he knew I needed to hear that.  

Gee… do you think he might be psychic? 

I needed to hear what my sweet friend had to say. It really turned me around. It took me from feeling like I wasn’t good enough to feeling pretty darn good about things.  

What I suggest is that if you are having a hard time finding perspective about how wonderful you are, ask a friend. Find someone you trust and love who can grab a metaphorical mirror and show you just how amazing you are! 

You’re way better than you think you are. Just ask your Dougall.


Angel blessings,






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