In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been offering free lessons on Facebook. I’m calling them “Lesson Cards.” On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I present the day’s Lesson Card after the cards of the day that I’ve been doing for months. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays the Lesson Cards stand alone.  They happen early in the day during my angel walks.  Here’s how it works… 

Every morning before I go for my angel walk, I pull a card with the question “What do I need to teach and what do I need to learn.” The video is way more in-depth that any daily message I’ve ever presented and is half my interpretation and half angelic channeling. The interpretation is the lesson I need to teach, but the channeling part tends to be both teaching and my own personal learning.  

To give you an example, the Lesson Card for June 13th was Three of Water. What came through in that channeling was that we can often take very positive cards in Tarot for granted. I know that might seem like an odd statement, but let me explain. If we ask the question “Will I get that promotion” and we get a card like Three of Water, we tend to just go “Woohoo!” and leave it at that. We don’t look deeper. Whereas with more challenging cards like Five of Earth, we tend to analyze the heck out of it. “What do you mean Five of Earth? Is that a no? Is that conditional?” and then we throw more cards hoping to soothe our fears and worries.  

But let’s go back to that Three of Water. Yes, that’s a great answer to our hopes, but what if there’s more to learn? What if there are additional pieces of the puzzle to be had? 

Consider this…  

I am definitely a person of two natures. I’m a fervent believer of magic, angels, and the love of the Divine. I am also very pragmatic about things. If I want to manifest something in my life, I absolutely ask the angels for help, Feng Shui my house, etc but I also can get very mental. I analyze the situation like crazy and create a to do list and an order to things. But what if the Three of Water (a very emotion based card) is not just saying “Yes, you’ll get what you want.” but also saying “Stop focusing on the mental aspect and just feel your way into manifesting your heart’s desire?” Three of Water could be telling me to get out of my own way and allow the magic to happen. 

One of my absolute favorite musicals is Cinderella. In that musical, the fairy godmother sings a song called “Impossible.” The song lists all these things that should be impossible, and yet those things are about to happen in the musical. The chorus ends with the words “Impossible things are happening everyday.”  One of the people watching that Lesson Card video that day commented that “impossible” actually means “I’m possible.” I loved that. 

If you’d like to see what my Lesson Card videos are like, here’s a link to that Three of Earth card on June 13th. I’m having a blast creating them for you. And again, they’re totally free. I hope they give you all kinds of insight!


Angel blessings,





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