Healing Your Sorrow

Healing Your Sorrow

I have a membership group with hundreds of super cool people in it. Over the past year, I’ve taught them about the archangels, channeled them for the group, and created a tarot/oracle card spread associated with the archangel of the month. I’ve not shared things...
Angels of Perception

Angels of Perception

Many of you know that I go on regular, early morning strolls. I call them “angel walks” and it’s how I try to start off my day on the right foot (no pun intended.) It’s also meant to be a way for me to count my blessings while also staying grounded. You see, I have a...
Angels of Perception

Yesterday Once More

I was a pretty lonely kid. With the exception of one other kid or two who would drift in and out of my sphere (when it was convenient for them) I had no friends. I was the gay kid and I was “weird” and everyone knew that so no one spoke to me except to bully me. That...
The Great Lime Catastrophe

The Great Lime Catastrophe

The only fruit tree I recall having had (that actually produced fruit) was an apple tree on the property where I grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. I hated that tree. It dropped crates of apples onto the ground where they would start to rot in the summer sun. Guess...
Joy Triggers

Joy Triggers

I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve been a little moody lately. If you haven’t heard me mention it during my Video Cards of the Day, Lee and I finally – after 10 months – had a lead on a Sheltie nearby. We thought she was all ours, and then she...
Angels of Perception

What am I Missing?

Last week I wrote to you a very honest blog posting about a very, very powerful sign that the angels sent to me. (If you missed it, you can read it here.)  I don’t mean to be a “one note Johnny” but it happened again. I pray a lot in my car. There is a meditation song...