The vast majority of the time, the messages that come to me from the Divine I can figure out. It might not be right away… might take a few days, weeks, or longer. But usually, I can sort it out.
Just not always. And apparently not today.
Case in point was something that happened this morning. I have a private group for my Certified Angel Tarot Reader students. In that group, I post daily tarot cards for students to ponder over, ask questions about, and give their feedback on. We call them “whatsees” (aka “what do you see in this card”.) I tend to schedule batches of these cards well in advance and then Facebook posts them on a daily basis.
Or rather, that’s the plan. However, that didn’t happen today. Today I received a message from Facebook saying “Your scheduled post couldn’t be published. Please try again.”
Well now, that’s odd. So I went to the group to review the scheduled post and it’s gone. The card I mean. Deleted. Poof! Vanished. I couldn’t “try again” because the post no longer exists.
As a person who pays attention to nearly everything that happens – and consequently looks for the meaning of it – this was particularly annoying. Usually if something odd like that occurs, I would look at the card and say “Okay, the Universe either doesn’t want me to post this OR it wants me to pay special attention to it.” What I found frustrating was that the card was gone! I had posted it at least a week ago along with several other days’ worth of cards. I have no idea what card Facebook (or the Divine) just nixed. So how am I supposed to get a message based on an unusual occurrence surrounding a now deleted, particular card?
On my morning “angel walk,” I asked my guardian angels what the card was and what was the message behind the amazing, disappearing card. Their answer was to giggle at me and tell me nothing.
Of course, it’s likely that the meaning will make itself known with a little time. It could be that the whole purpose was so I would write to you about what to do with angel messages you don’t know how to interpret. Maybe this is just the angels having a bit of fun with me.
Make no mistake, the angels have a sense of humor. They have made this perfectly clear to me over the decades.
My students know this happened. For all I know, the epiphany surrounding this weirdness is posted on the Facebook page right now just waiting for me to read it. Perhaps, I’ve been sloppy lately in my usual diligence about noticing the signs that are being sent my way and so my angels deleted one just to get my attention.
If the truth is that last statement, then they did a great job. They have my attention. But somehow, I don’t think that’s it.
So now what?
Well, I guess I wait. I’ve asked my guardian angels for information (which they are clearly unready to provide.) I’ve asked Archangel Gabriel (the archangel of communication), Archangel Uriel (the archangel of epiphany), and Archangel Sandalphon (the heavenly postman) for insight but insight wasn’t instantaneous. (It rarely is, by the way.)
If you believe that “everything happens for a reason” – which I mostly do – then this little quirk in the equation is annoying, but hardly devastating. I can wait for the revelation that will come over time.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, then I would suggest you do the same. Ask the angels and the Divine for answers, but then let it go. Something else will happen that will be relatable to you to the mystery event that has you confused. Or you may have an “aha!” moment where it suddenly becomes clear to you.
My experience is that almost everything is resolved over time by letting go. When we hold on too tight to any particular outcome (including getting answers) we only delay our success. And therefore, I am letting it go.
I’ll keep you posted once I get my epiphany.
Angel blessings,
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