I admit that I have a doing problem. I sort of always have. I work entirely too much and even when I’m not working, I’m doing something around the house. I am a compulsive multi-talker. I can’t even have a conversation on the phone with someone without also unloading the dishwasher or folding towels. Over time, my personal experience is that the Universe will eventually force me to stop. It will force me to rest.  

That happened this past week when I had to have another round of oral surgery. This procedure was more intense than the last and required that I do nothing for a week. 

I’m sorry. What did you say? A week?!?! 

The real challenge for me in this is the guilt. My doing problem has a guilt trigger. If I just sit around and do nothing, I feel anxiety and guilt about it so I saved up writing projects for this time of non-movement.  

The fascinating thing about being forced to do nothing is that it really makes me think. It really makes me go inward and ask “What the heck is wrong with me that I can’t just be? Why can’t I just rest?” 

As I type this, it’s not even 4:30am in the morning and I have a post it note with a long list of things I can do while “resting” today. I’m thinking of tearing it up and just sleeping instead.  

Many people know that Lee and I are about to make a big life change. We’re about to move across the country to live in a place that we’ve been vacationing at for the last decade. This big move is meant to be about simplifying our lives so that we can enjoy the quiet moments more. I find myself seriously wondering how I will handle that? Will I embrace it? (as I should) or will I fight it? We leave Colorado on September 29th so I guess we’re about to find out.  

What about you? Do you have a doing problem? How do you handle it? I would sincerely like to know! 

Angel blessings,




Fresh Start for Self-Care

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