Every morning I pack up a cup of coffee and head out the door for my daily “angel walk.” These happen around 5:30am. That’s when the sun is fully up where I live, but before many other people are up. So, I have the world to myself.

Well, sorta.

In general, angels joyfully and dutifully make themselves available to us when we ask for their assistance. Our guardian angels are always there – waiting in the wings – prayerfully hoping we will ask for their help. Archangels? Well. Not so much. They will come to us in a flash of light when we request their magical presence, but it’s my experience that they don’t usually just “show up” unannounced. But it does occasionally happen.

Lately, Archangel Ariel, “the lioness of God” has chosen to go on my angel walks with me. This has been a big surprise to me. Ariel is a part of my daily, morning prayers but not in the same way that Uriel or Gabriel are. I ask for Ariel’s help daily, but she doesn’t usually just appear by my side for my morning stroll. Most archangels just don’t do that unless you ask for that particular favor.

But lately, she’s there every morning. Very friendly.

As I said, this has been a huge surprise to me. So, I finally just out and out asked her. “Why are you here exactly?” Her response was that she wanted to get a message out. The message being that the world needs courage right now and she happens to provide that. Everyone goes to her dear brother, Archangel Michael for a sense of safety and protection, but courage is her gig. Ariel is well known for nature, animals, abundance, and prosperity. But people tend to forget that whole “lioness of God” part.

They really shouldn’t. In short, Ariel is a badass. And Ariel mixed with Michael is one powerful combo.

Ariel vibrates to a pale pink color while Michael is a deep blue. So, here’s a little mantra for you: Two by two, pink and blue. Two by two, pink and blue.

Nice, easy, quick. Make a pack with Ariel and Michael when you’re feeling unsafe that those words “Two by two, pink and blue” are an instant call for their help. An immediate request for protection and courage. 

Consider this phrase your new magic words for a world that’s currently a bit freaky. And a lot freaked out. 


Pink and blue,


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