This past week I was with a sweet friend who is trying his very best to help his mother-in-law get through a challenging time. During our chat, he said “Radleigh, sometimes in order to get to where you’re going, you have to go through the hard work.” 

Yes. Yes. Sometimes to get to what you want; you have to go through all kinds of challenges. That made all manner of sense to me.  

In the United States, this is the week of Thanksgiving. While the primary theme is gratitude, I think this is also a time for forgiveness. People are often thrust into situations celebrating Thanksgiving where they have to deal with friends or family for which they have a strained relationship. In those situations, there’s a keen awareness of the ways in which the past continues to haunt the present. For many, the opportunity to get together for this holiday is an uplifting experience. However for others, it’s a time of dread. The main focus is “just get through it as fast as possible.” For those people, the prospect of a happy holiday is minimal at best.  

This is where the forgiveness part comes in. 

Perhaps their family has been unsupportive or unkind and there is a need to forgive that. Perhaps there are vast differences between them and their family and there is a need to forgive them for who they are or how they perceive the world.  

Maybe what is needed is to forgive ourselves for our part in the stressed relationships.  

In order to make it to the other side – the other side being a future happy relationship – we sometimes have to go through the challenge of forgiveness. Of talking things through.  

I hope the angels bring you a happy holiday if Thanksgiving is one you celebrate. Or just bring you to the other side even if it doesn’t have anything to do with a holiday. Ask Archangel Raguel (the friend of God) to be with you to help bring harmony to relationships that are in discord. And as always, ask your guardian angels to help as well.  

Many blessings to you,




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