I have been on a long progression of weirdness my entire life. Think about it… by the time I was 7 or 8 years old, I was already a gay, part Cherokee, musical, psychic, angel chattering, car loving, sci-fi nerd, who either wanted to be a singer or an astronaut. Oh, and I had a hopeless crush on Donnie Osmond. All of this in east Tennessee.  

The funny part is I didn’t really know how weird I was until I entered elementary school. That’s when the few “friends” I did have dropped me like a hot potato as the sissy weirdo label got painted all over me by kids meeting me for the first time.  

Oh, and don’t forget I had a weird name.  

Being outside the norm (whatever that is) didn’t really start to benefit me until I was clear out of college. That’s when I got my first accounting job and – lo and behold – a funny, smart, different kind of accountant was apparently highly desired.  

As time went by, I started to get pretty brave about my weirdness. I started to fearlessly wave it around for everyone to see. But I really started to let my freak flag fly when my career as a spiritual teacher took off. The more I was myself, the more people just appreciated me. That’s when the sequins and the sparkly shoes all came out of the closet (pardon the pun) and started sparkling on stages around the world.  

Nowadays, I am so incredibly grateful for my weirdness. For some reason, it’s been very much on my mind lately about how boring my life would be without it. And I’m also very aware how I would’ve made choices that would probably have never led me to where I am in my life today.  


Don’t get me wrong… my life isn’t perfect. Or at least not the version of perfect I might make up in my mind (or ego.) But I don’t think anyone sees their life as perfect. But I do have a lot to be grateful for. Even with all of its insanity, there are lots of ways that 2020 has been powerfully transformative for me in a very positive way. Every time I come up with something that other marketing teams might think are super weird, my team just stands up and applauds! Who knew that at this point in my life I’d be trying to out weird my own weirdness! 

My main point here is that I am so very grateful for my weird. I am so very grateful for my life. I started this month talking about wanting November to be a month of gratitude and as we approach the American Thanksgiving, I couldn’t possibly feel more blessed.  

I hope that you also feel the freedom to be who you truly are as we speed headlong into the holiday season. My team and I have a lot of fun planned for you in December and I can’t wait to share it with you. But first, I want to wish you a fabulous Thanksgiving!


Weirdly yours,




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