Someone I know and deeply respect recently posted something that said “Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things turn out.” The quote was attributed to Dr. Wayne Dyer. I’m persnickety about making sure I attribute quotes correctly and my research couldn’t turn up any evidence that this was an original quote by Dr. Dyer, though it certainly may have been something he himself quoted at one point or another.

I’m big on faith. So big, that in my book “How to Be Your Own Genie”, I often wrote the word in all caps as “FAITH” as a show of how important I think it is in our spiritual, emotional, and mental practices. The word shows up in the book 63 times! As a big time Sagittarius, I am hardwired to the concept of faith as a powerful motivator and as a way of life.

And so the quote about faith I saw – while indisputably clever – struck me immediately as wrong. The reason I take issue with the quote is because yes… faith is without a doubt about being okay no matter how things turn out. But faith is also about everything turning out okay. In my opinion, you simply cannot separate the two concepts.

If you are okay no matter how things turn out, then (in my mind) it means you have enough faith to believe – truly believe in your heart – that the way things turned out is in the grand scheme of things okay. You probably have the faith to believe that the Divine is always at work and has a plan for our betterment even if we are at present unable to see how that plan works out.

I also firmly believe that 90% of the time (a percentage I admit I just made up) things turn out okay because we had faith that they would. If you doubt a positive outcome and your faith is that things will turn out badly, that’s usually how it goes.

Therefore, faith is both about everything turning out okay and being okay with how things turn out. These two concepts are inherently and intricately linked.

We are human. All of us. We all have moments when we feel completely overwrought by an outcome. It’s not at all unusual for us to be unable to see what Source has planned for us. That’s when we turn to our angels for counsel, guidance, comfort, and love. This is the moment where there is true power in having FAITH that things will be alright in the end.

But we also have to do our double-dog best to keep our gaze positively on the horizon. We have to remain “chin up!” We have to envision a positive future for ourselves to bring about the life of joy we deserve.

Here’s what I have FAITH in… I have FAITH that you are deserving of a magical life. I have FAITH that you are a child of the Divine and nothing… absolutely nothing is too good for you. You deserve it all. I have FAITH in you.

What do you have FAITH about?


Angel blessings,


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