Years and years ago I dated someone a bit odd. To be honest, I had been in a long-term relationship that lasted 14 years. I was very young when it began and once it was over, I was exploring. Probably sowing oats that most people do when they’re in their early 20s, but I was already partnered by then.
I only went out with this guy a couple of times. In all honesty, I probably wouldn’t even remember him at all except for this one quirky thing… When he found out that I read tarot cards, he immediately wanted a reading.
Ugh. I don’t suppose it was that big a surprise in retrospect. Anyway, I told him “Sure, we’ll do that in a few days.”
When I got home, I had a sort of “psychic hit” about the guy. And so I sent him an email. The message basically told him that I didn’t do what I call “dark readings.” The messages I get from my angels are uplifting, positive, and meant to heal and inspire.
I never heard from him again. LOL!
My intuitive insight that this guy was wanting some sort of dark and foreboding kind of reading was apparently correct. It’s the only thing about him that has stuck in my mind because I’ve never quite gotten past the idea that someone would be hoping for a scary reading.
I suppose it’s also possible that my email to him told him right away that I was just “too happy” for his tastes.
Over my 30 or so years of doing readings, I’ve probably seen it all. There are the people who are scared of what a reading will tell them. I completely know how to comfort, calm, and handle that situation. But occasionally, I do still come across someone who is so completely, mentally oriented towards the “fear and doom” side of things that they can’t hear anything else. Just two weeks ago I was teaching my new course “Tarot Made Easy” and I had a student who was that way. Every card he pulled was the end of the world. I tried to soothe his dramatic reactions, but he wasn’t having it. Nope. The end of the world was at hand for this student. So I knew there was no point in trying. Besides it would’ve just brought down the rest of the class and possibly introduced fear into other very sensitive students’ experience.
The Divine adores you. Period. End of story. It may have messages for you from time to time that are hard to take in, but the desired outcome will always be to bring you onto the path of joy.
There’s a motel chain famous for the slogan “We’ll leave the light on for you.” That might as well be the slogan for the Universe. If you look up, there are countless stars in the nighttime sky. They cannot be dimmed. Even if you can’t see them because of the temporary clouds, they’re still there.
And just like the stars in the sky, my readings – and more importantly – the way I teach people to read will always, always, always be that same way. I will always leave the Light on for you.
Angel blessings,
Energetic Weather Report for September 11th – 17th
This week I used The Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle cards for our reading and wow, oh wow! It was about life purpose and life changes and it was just such a cohesive story from Sunday to Saturday that I can’t wait for you to see it! You can find it here! you...
Energetic Weather Report for September 4th – 10th
I’m so excited to do my very first Energetic Weather Report from my upcoming deck, Archangel Michael Sword of Light Oracle Cards (debuting 10/11/22) Wow! The empowerment in this reading is just off the top with Archangel Michael making his presence fully known even...
Angels of Perception
Many of you know that I go on regular, early morning strolls. I call them “angel walks” and it’s how I try to start off my day on the right foot (no pun intended.) It’s also meant to be a way for me to count my blessings while also staying grounded. You see, I have a...
Energetic Weather Report for August 28th – September 3rd
I used Angel Answers Oracle Cards for this week’s Energetic Weather Report and they definitely want your attention! From communication to signs to questions and answers your angels are definitely going to be chatting you up! Get the whole story here! you might also...
Yesterday Once More
I was a pretty lonely kid. With the exception of one other kid or two who would drift in and out of my sphere (when it was convenient for them) I had no friends. I was the gay kid and I was “weird” and everyone knew that so no one spoke to me except to bully me. That...
Dear Radleigh,
I’ve never responded before but do appreciate and love reading your blog! I’ve missed a few mind you but I do love them. Your spirit, positivity and honesty are wonderful and uplifting!
I just wanted to say Thank you!
Thank you, Radleigh❤️
Love you
Dear Magical Man,
I am certain of one thing, you have been “the light” for me during these uncertain times. Sending you all the best vibes! 🙂
Oh my heavens. I am so touched. Thank you.
We Love You Soo Much Our Most Magical and Also Wise and Truly Confident and Beautiful Radlegih Valentine … I like your positive , hope giving and “Light”ful approach and I am also like you … People may find us too happy and too naive or too optimistic calling ya “Polyanna” but I know that we are already born as Lightworkers and to bring Colour, Joy , Hope, Light and Love into this world … Always So Grateful to have come across you in life Dearest Magical Powerful Cool Mr. Valentine … Always , Florentine Zeynep … With Love Light Namaste and Joy …
I LOVE this in so many ways!!!!
Thank you for being the light that you are and for reminding us that the light is always there.
Since i met you, I felt the joy in you,… and I must say, I agree with all you said just now! Joyful and positive readings, yes, not scary ones.
Thank you for being always uplifting!
Thank you so very much !!❤️
I am a light and I always believed we all are .Thanks Radleigh the Magical Light of yours has been the beam that all of us magically gathered around you.Love and Blessings. Mithrani
Thank You for being that light that keep us going and lifting us. The more I read about you and get to know you the more I love you thank you for your tarot decks there are amazing love love them.. you are the most magical human being I have met. Thank you, Thank You.❤️❤️❤️