Archangel Ariel is “the lioness of God.” My perception of her is as a flaming redhead with green eyes.  She carries a bag from which she pulls gold coins that she tosses at those who request her help manifesting their needs.  

It’s important to think of those “coins” as not being money but being any kind of energy, we need in our lives.  Ariel is the archangel of abundance but that “abundance” is whatever we need and is not limited to finances.  

If what you are needing to manifest during the holidays is indeed financial, then Ariel is your gal!  Ask her for her help! 

However, if what you need is something quite different from money, she can still help you.  Let’s say that you’re like me and what you need to manifest is time to rest.  Maybe what you need is whatever is necessary for you to take care of yourself.  

This time of year is often full of events, social activities, and extra items on your “to do” list.  For me, it’s also often the time of year when a lot of editorial projects for my publisher, Hay House, come due.  It’s super challenging for me to focus on self-care when what I’m actually focused on are the highlighted dates on my calendar indicating a deadline.  And so I ask Archangel Ariel to help me manifest that self-care.  I don’t tell her how to do it.  I leave it in her capable hands.  I allow myself to envision those gold coins of energy raining down upon me knowing that in some way, somehow, they will turn into opportunities for me to be good to myself.  

What is it that you are looking to manifest right now?  Take some time to ask Archangel Ariel for her assistance. 


Angel blessings,



P.S.  Don’t forget to also ask your guardian angels!!

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