Two years ago, a friend of mine reminded me of the power of awe.

Easily in the “Top 5″ of my favorite trips I have ever taken, two years ago this week my friend John Moore and I headed off to Disney World.  The list of why this trip was so freaking amazing is long and I won’t bore you with it.  Its no secret that I am a huge Disney fan, so just being there is always a dream for me.  Among the many wonders of that adventure was John (very strategically I might add) introducing me to a brand-new ride that left me so blown away, that I literally (not kidding) had to sit down after the ride was over and collect myself.

I was in awe.  Pure awe for the first time in so many years that I am pretty sure I had forgotten what it felt like.

In case you’ve forgotten, awe feels like a mix of wonder, amazement, and joy. It often induces laughter, tears, and a sense of astonishment.  I think it most often shows up when we aren’t expecting it.  I think it wakes us up.  It reminds us that this life is a miracle and throws us face-first into the magic of life.

If someone offered me a magic pill that would allow me to stay in that place of awe on a regular basis, I think I would take it.

Being in a place of awe stimulates creativity.  It motivates and rejuvenates us.  When we are in awe we are plugged directly into our connection to the Divine and we are aware of the opportunity we have been given from the Divine to make as much out of this life as we possibly can.

Am I grateful to John for this experience?  Of course, I am.  I’m grateful to him for many reasons.  Am I grateful to Disney?  Yes.  But I like to think of Disney as not just the vision of one man, but the result of the global consciousness sort of agreeing to place the energy of our inner children into a place – or concept.

However, the majority of my gratitude goes to the Divine. To Source.  To the energy that weaves throughout the Universe blessing me when I need it most with an experience that reminds me of the magic.

Reminds me of the miracles.

Reminds me of the power of awe.


Angel Blessings,


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