This has been a year of spiritual growth for me. I do not talk about this much, but my relationship with my father was not a positive thing. I had done a lot of work on that over the years, but I also came into 2020 thinking “enough is enough” and that it was time for me to really, finally, heal that. It feels to me like a miracle that that wound is finally no longer hurting me. I’ve actually even come far enough to welcome messages from my dad that come through readings or synchronicities.
I think that some people throw the word “miracle” around a bit lightly. This thought prompted me to ask myself “What exactly is a miracle?” The little definition I came up with was “a wonderful thing that you couldn’t fathom would ever happen, but then does.”
For me to say “Yes dad, please send me messages” and then seriously consider his advice is definitely within my definition of a miracle.
That miracle led to a new thought for me.
I’m probably dating myself here (again) but do you remember the old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials? The one that had someone say “You got chocolate on my peanut butter” and someone else saying “You got peanut butter on my chocolate?” This new thought was like that.
To do the work I did to get me that “dad miracle” I needed a medium. Enter, Heather Hildebrand, medium and angel lady extraordinaire. As I worked with Heather, the idea came to me “what if we were to do a course that blended tarot and mediumship?”
Talk about an “aha” moment!
Heather and I have talked this out for months and I am proud and excited to let you know that we have come up with a course called “Tarot & Mediumship” (I mean, what else would we call it?) It’s a four-week course that’s a blending of these two magical disciplines.
In the meantime, Heather and I will be doing a free webinar on the topic on October 23rd! It’s totally free. No strings. So, if you’d like to hear us chat about that, you can sign up here!
Whatever definition you have for the word “miracle,” I sincerely hope that you experience them throughout the rest of this crazy year. Is there a particular miracle you’re hoping for?
Angel blessings,
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I have 2,3,4, deck of cards and I love them, keep up the amazing work. Have a magical day everyone.
Thank you so much for all the good work you do! So looking forward to the upcoming Tarot & Mediumship course. Have a great day!
A huge thank you for all the wonderful teaching, it’s very much appreciated will gratitude, so looking forward to this free course.❤