Yesterday, some angels came to my rescue.  One human angel, one passed over angel, and then some of the usual winged and haloed angels.  A friend (human angel) reached out to me to celebrate Louise Hay (passed over angel) making a cameo on a show we were watching.  That conversation led from one thing to another until my friend gave me information that indicated that I was about to make a significant mistake.  Like any true friend, he didn’t just point out the error, he offered a far better solution.  Then of course, the 444s started flying all over the place.    

And let me tell you… when Louise Hay takes time out of her busy schedule in the afterlife to get involved in your decision making, that really messes with your head! 

I shared all of this with my Manager of Miracles, Sherry Wynn and while we were both thrilled with the outcome, we were both also confused about one thing; why did the angels wait so long to point out I was headed in the wrong direction?  We are both still mulling that out while at the same time we both also realize that there is a reason for the timing even if we don’t yet understand what it is.   

I call that winning our failures.  I made a mistake.  I could focus on that and fret all sorts of things about it.  Or, I can be in gratitude for the course correction, move forward, and hope that maybe, eventually, I’ll see why I needed to go a month off course before the angels spun me around.   

Whenever Sherry and I feel we’ve made a mistake, our response is always “Well, we learned something.” And then we move on. Worrying, fretting, and being in anxiety about things that go wrong is failing your failures.  It only multiplies the problems.  

If our errors are meant to make us stronger, wiser, and redirect us towards joy, then the only right way to handle them is to find a way to be grateful for the guidance.   

So today, I might be confused, but I am also grateful.  


Angel blessings,



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