We are deep into the season of Light (as I like to call it) with several holidays either nearby or even just behind us. As we get closer to Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, and Kwanza I wanted to talk about something very precious during this time of year…
Some people find peace during this season to be more difficult to attain than others. There may be tension with family or friends or perhaps personal peace is just not something that comes easy to them. So in number three of my three-part series on getting help from the archangels during the holidays I want to introduce you to Archangels Raguel and Chamuel.
Archangel Raguel is a powerful and magical archangel to work with not just during the holiday season, but year-round. His name means “friend of God” and he has the amazing ability to bring peace to relationships that are challenged. I like to say that he can bring harmony to relationships that are in discord. If you are feeling at odds with people in your life that you love, Raguel can help repair those relationships. His aura is a pale blue and you can ask for his assistance by visualizing his aura surrounding you and those with him you have anxiety around. Even if there isn’t a current issue, you can ask Raguel to be with you as you attend holiday events just to make sure that things remain smooth and calm.
Archangel Chaumel’s name means “the eyes of God” and he is known for helping us to find that which we are looking for. However, he is also the archangel of global and personal peace. So if the discord you are experiencing isn’t with other people but within yourself, you can ask Chamuel to help bring that peace into your heart. And if you’re wishing for peace for the world, Chamuel is also the archangel to help you with that. His aura is a pale green.
As always, I would like to encourage you to ask your personal guardian angels for help with anything that you need assistance with or that you want to manifest in your dreams. They love you unconditionally and are just waiting for any opportunity to walk with you on your personal path.
Angel blessings,
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