This has been the year of travel for me. I haven’t traveled this much since probably 2013. At one of the classes I taught, I had a very lovely and educated student ask me an interesting question. She asked me… “Isn’t it bad to share the names of your angels or guides with people?” I asked her why it would be. She went on to explain that she had been taught that it was disrespectful of the sanctity of the relationship. I’m pretty sure that’s not the exact way she said it, but it’s the basic concept.

This might surprise you, but at my core I am a rebel. A spiritual rebel. I don’t like rules. They don’t make sense to me. I don’t understand people who teach spiritual concepts and say that “This MUST be this way.” Or, “You can NEVER do that.” Again, I’m talking about spiritual concepts.  No, never torture animals and always care for children. In this situation I’m not talking about such obvious “always and nevers” like that. But why do people say that in order to work with the Divine or to communicate with your angels that there are rules? Why would there be rules?

I’m always saying that…

God is huge. That the Universe is infinite and full of magic. That the Divine is nothing but love and all it wants is to talk to you and to see you march your cutie-pie self towards joy. It’s beyond my comprehension to understand why angels (who have no egos) or guides (or are on the other side and see things clearly) would take offense because we speak to them through cards vs. astrology. Or that we communicate with them through prayer vs. automatic writing. No matter the way, we’re reaching out. We’re trying to make the connection. I can’t imagine that they look at our reaching out to them in any way other than with pride and happiness.

I don’t know who came up with the idea that our angels and/or our spirit guides names must be secret lest we lessen the preciousness of the relationship. Does it lessen the preciousness of the relationship with our children when we tell people their names? This sort of thinking (to me) assigns human arrogance to angels and guides.

I’m sorry, but I just don’t get that.

People call in to my radio show Magical Things and video show Ask Rad! constantly begging for names. I have been guided – very clearly – to give them. I’m doing it in front of thousands of people listening to those shows. Why would my guidance be to help people on this issue if it’s offensive?

Whenever someone tells you that something is “a rule” in your spiritual life, I urge you to really think about that. Pray about it. If it resonates, then rather than thinking of it as a rule, think of it as what’s right for you. Your personal path.

If it doesn’t resonate, please. Break the rule. Throw it out the door. Toss it in the garbage bin or your belief system and never look back.

There are no rules. There is only what is right for you.


With love,




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