Some dreams take a long time to come true.  

I took my very first course on angels in October of 2003. It was definitely a defining moment for me and felt like one of the best experiences I had ever had. It was part spiritual awakening and part Hogwarts. I am not exaggerating when I say that I was euphoric through most of the class – which lasted an astonishing six days. 

I remember very clearly thinking to myself as I watched the teacher finish up the course on that last day that “One day, that will be me. One day, I will be the angel teacher.” 

Well, it only took nearly 13 years, but I finally made it. After years of study and years of teaching angel tarot that moment for me has finally arrived. All of it was made possible by my entire travel calendar for 2020 being erased in one fell swoop back in March. Suddenly I had the time to focus, to create, and to properly pour the love necessary to make an angel course that matched up to my dream.  

And it all starts tomorrow. Tomorrow is the beginning of my Angel Oracle Certification course (AOC for short.)  

I have spent months pouring through ancient and contemporary writings. You might wonder why I would even need to do that given I’ve been studying angels all the way back to the late 90s’. The truth is that it’s been super important to me that I bring forth as much new (and old) information to the course as possible. I didn’t want my class to be just a redo of past presentations. I wanted it to have moments for everyone where people say to themselves “Oh my gosh, I never knew that!” During my research, I have had many moments like that and they have all been surprising, enchanting, and heart touching. And now the time has come to share that information. 

The Angel Oracle Certification course starts out with a visit to The Hall of the Archangels. Fifteen videos representing each of the most known archangels. Once your eyes are full of angel dust from the tour, we’ll head into other areas meant to further develop your personal connection to not just the archangels, but also your personal guardian angels. And yes, of course… we’ll talk about angel cards. It’s me after all! 

I have always been extremely focused on trying to bring magic into people’s lives. I know that events over the last few years dulled that sparkle for many people. But the time has come to bring that magic back to the forefront.  

I hope you’ll join me for this magical dream come true. I can’t wait to get started. Come fly with the angels with me. 


Angel blessings,


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