This past week has been a crazy one. No less than 5 planets in the sky are retrograde right now and it shows in the news and (at least in my case) in our personal lives. Yesterday had me thinking to myself “Just how much anxiety can one person take?”

Apparently, the answer is a lot.

But we are never alone and there is help for when it feels like it’s just too much. Working with your angels can help you to smooth out the rough spots and reduce your anxiety during these times of challenge. Here are 5 simple steps you can use to calm your nerve.

 Give Yourself the Gift of a Few Moments of Peace

The first step to getting out of your anxiety is to find a moment for yourself. Just 15-20 minutes can make all the difference in the world! Find a quiet spot either indoors or out in nature. Turn off or mute your phone. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your angels to come sit with you and to calm your nerves and to surround you with a sense of peace. We’re going to be working with both your personal guardian angels as well as a few, very powerful archangels.

Get Help from Your Personal Guardian Angels

Everyone has at least two, personal guardian angels. These loving beings are always with you, though they are not allowed to intervene unless you ask them to. Their purpose is to help you have a happier life. By asking them for assistance, you allow them to feel happy and fulfilled!

Take a moment to focus in on the issues that have you the most concerned. Scan your feelings so that you can tune in and get real clarity on why you are feeling anxious. Then ask yourself “If I had a personal assistant standing by, what items would I want them to help me with? Tell your guardian angels what those issues are and that you’d very much like to have their help. Don’t get focused on how those challenges should get resolved. Leave the “how” to your angels. Ask them to handle things in the best way possible so that you can focus on the happier aspects of your life!

Break the Cycle of Obsessive Worrying with Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the most well-known in the archangel realm. He carries a sword made of light that can cut through energetic attachments of fear that are only getting in your way. When your thoughts about a given subject or person become obsessive, it can be very difficult to stop worrying. This can turn into self-fulfilling prophesies. Ask Archangel Michael to use his sword of light to break the cycle of your obsessive thoughts so that you can focus on having a successful day.

Heal Relationship Challenges with Archangel Raguel

Many times, the anxiety people are experiencing is due to a relationship issue with another person. It might be your primary relationship that has you worried or a professional concern with someone at work. Archangel Raguel’s name means “friend of God.” One of his primary skillsets is to smooth out troubled relationships so that things feel comfortable again. You can ask Archangel Raguel to heal any disagreement with another person. He can also help all parties involved to have more compassion for one another and to see each other’s point of view.

Refocus Your Attention Towards the Positive with Archangel Jophiel

On any given day, there are aspects of life that bring forth feelings of fear or gratitude. Unfortunately, it’s very common for people to zoom in on what has them scared and to completely disregard what they should be happy about! Archangel Jophiel’s name means “the beauty of God” and she can help you to stay in a place of joyful gratitude about your lives rather than walking around in fear. With Jophiel by your side, things just suddenly look more optimistic. You’ll find yourself feeling lighter and happier. Those positive feelings attract positive experiences. Suddenly, you see that your worry was unnecessary!

Breathe, Ask, Repeat

These 5 easy steps can significantly reduce your levels of anxiety. If you find that as your day progresses you are slowly creeping back into worry or fear, just gift yourself with another few minutes of grounding, deep breathing, and talking with your angels! The more you practice this, the longer your feelings of peace will last and the easier it will be to stay in control of your emotions!


Angel blessings,




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